Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

18 weeks


Here we are at 16 weeks...
(this picture was taken in the bathroom at my work)

Now, these are not the best pictures to show how you have grown but I think they are pure fun.
18 weeks...
I know... that one IS kind of scary.

So, rumor has it that you can hear now!
The other day your dad made up a poem for you on the spot and sang it straight to you so that you could hear.
He's... ummm... pretty talented!
Most of the poem was about what we are going to name you which is something that we don't agree on.
We can't really talk about names right now. We don't get along when we do that.
Either way my nameless child,
we love you!


  1. Emily! You are so adorable pregnant!! :) This BLOG is such a great idea. It will be so fun to look back on. I think that's hilarious that you two don't agree on names. I'm not even expecting but once Chris and I start talking future names we both get annoyed with each other...too funny! I'm sure you guys will come up with once together and it will totally fit :)

  2. omg, you are soooo cute preggers. I LOVE your blog follower here!

    Congrats on the baby :-)

  3. Hahaha! The name wars...good times. Even though you feel gross, you look really cute.
