For some reason you like to crawl like a bear. I love it and think it's cute. Obviously.

You LOVE other kids and playing with them. Anytime you see another kid (or your own reflection in the mirror) you get super excited. It's the best.

The other day you were walking around the house while pushing the garbage can along and you fell and got your first little cut. The garbage can is now in our pantry where you cannot get it.

Your favorite time of the day is when your dad comes home.

You seriously get so giggly. You love him.

You love to play. If I am sitting on the couch and you are around you will play with your toys for a little bit and then crawl up to my lap and try to get me to play with you. I love it. Also, if I have anything you automatically want it. It's cute. Most of the time.

You love puppies (who doesn't?).

You love the camera and every time I take it out now you automatically smile for it (the one thing I have taught you) and then you try to grab it.

You love standing up, and you love taking baths. And I love your cute little buns!

Dumpster diving. You know. (another reason the garbage can has been put away).

My favorite thing that you are doing lately. Playing with books. I read to you almost every day and I hope that you learn to love them.

When ever I am on the laptop you crawl up to it, put your little hand over the top, and try to suck on it. You would rather play with my cell phone, tv remote, or laptop over all of your toys.
I love you.
P.S. I forgot to mention that on the day you turned 8 months you got your second hair cut. It looks sharp!